Preserving a historic building, El Greco

ALA’s beautiful David and Sylvia Weisz building, a historic 12-unit apartment known as “El Greco,” has been an enduring part of the Los Angeles landscape for over 90 years and a significant part of ALA’s heritage as an affordable housing provider for seniors.

Although it is a beautiful historic building that ALA senior residents now call home, it was once deemed worthless and scheduled for demolition. Fortunately, several forward-thinking civic leaders, including then-Supervisor Zev Yarovslavsky and the David and Sylvia Weisz Foundation, along with public and civic organizations including California’s Office of Historic Preservation, recognized its value and worked with ALA to have it donated and transported across town! The building was successfully moved to its current location in West Hollywood, where it still stands today as affordable housing for low-income seniors.

In 1988, the building was listed in the National Register of Historic Places. 

The David and Sylvia Weisz Building stands as a symbol of resilience, community, and the transformational power of having a place to call home. It is a testament to our mission and commitment to providing safe, comfortable homes for our seniors. Each resident within El Greco has a unique story highlighting the importance of finding stability and the positive impact of a secure and supportive home environment.

To learn more about our Affordable Housing program, please visit our Affordable Housing page.



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